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英特尔® 透明计算软件解决方案创意动画视频脚本提纲

视频名称:英特尔® 透明计算软件解决方案介绍
Video Name: Intel® Software Solution for Transparent Computing Introduction
Video Duration: 3 minutes 30 seconds
Language: Chinese. Consider add English subtitles

内容 Content:问题、痛点阐述:
Problem Statement:
How to satisfy government and enterprise customers’ computing requirement? Need to consider many aspects such as performance, security, management, and cost.

The common solutions include the virtual desktop solution and thin client solution. These solutions help manage the clients effectively, and provide more secure computing environments. However, these solutions also have some disadvantages, such as poor client computing capability and high independency on network connection. Do we have other choice?

是的,您可以考虑英特尔® 透明计算软件解决方案!
Yes, you can consider the Intel® Software Solution for Transparent Computing!

英特尔® 透明计算软件解决方案介绍及演示
Intel® Software Solution for Transparent Computing Introduction and Demo.

英特尔® 透明计算软件解决方案以张尧学院士提出的透明计算理论为基础,将计算机系统的计算资源和存储资源进行逻辑分离,利用流式执行,为用户提供可控的个性化云计算服务。
The Intel® Software Solution for Transparent Computing is based on the transparent computing theory invented by CAE member Prof. Zhang, Yaoxue. It logically separates the computing and storage resource of the computer system to provide personalize cloud computing service which is controlled by the end users.

英特尔® 透明计算软件解决方案的最大特点是客户端本地计算和服务器远程存储。
The most important feature of the Intel® Software Solution for Transparent Computing is computing in local client plus storage in remote server.

The advantage of computing in local clients is that users can choose the client configuration based on their own computing demand. The client devices support many types of computing devices, such as desktop, tablet and smart phone. The main function of the client is to compute and to interact with users.

The server is mainly used for storage and system administration. All the client OS images and user data are stored in remote servers. As a result, it’s convenient to manage and more secure.

英特尔® 透明计算软件解决方案的另一个重要特点是流式执行和本地缓存机制。流式执行是指用户需要运行的操作系统及应用程序通过网络从远端服务器传输至客户端计算设备并被依次执行。流式计算加本地缓存机制使得解决方案本身摆脱了对网络的依赖,即使出现网络短时中断,也不会对客户端的计算体验造成影响。
Another key feature of the Intel® Software Solution for Transparent Computing is stream execution and local cache mechanism. Stream execution means the OS and applications to be used by the users are streamed to clients from the remote server. The stream execution and local cache mechanism make the solution get rid of the network connection dependency. Even the network connection is unavailable for a short while, the client system can still run normally.

基于这些技术特点,英特尔® 透明计算软件解决方案为用户提供了可控的云计算。用户可以根据自己的需求将指定的内容从服务器提取到客户端计算设备中运行。就像在家看电视选择喜欢内容的频道一样简便。
Based on these technical features, the Intel® Software Solution for Transparent Computing provides user controllable cloud computing service. Users can fetch the content they need from server to clients for execution. This is just like you choose the favorite TV show at home.

英特尔® 透明计算软件解决方案为系统管理员提供了功能强大、操作简便的网络控制台,拥有完善的用户及用户组管理、系统镜像管理、客户端批量管理、服务器管理及系统日志管理等功能。
Intel® Software Solution for Transparent Computing offers a powerful, easy to operate web console for the system administrator. It has excellent user and user group management function, system image management function, client batch management function, server management and system log management functions.

这就是英特尔® 透明计算软件解决方案,
动画方案适用于政府、企业、教育、办公、媒体或工程设计、医疗等广泛的行业领域。我们期待通过产学研紧密合作,将英特尔® 透明计算软件解决方案不断完善,促进透明计算技术的产业化和生态系统构建。欢迎体验并选择基于英特尔® 透明计算软件解决方案的产品!
This is the Intel® Software Solution for Transparent Computing. It applies to broader market segments, such as government, enterprise, education, business operation, media and engineering design, healthcare etc. We expect to improve the solution through close industry-academia collaboration and accelerate the industrialization of transparent computing and ecosystem setup. Welcome have a try and choose the products based on the Intel® Software Solution of Transparent Computing!
